Seminar pentru femei moderne „Lecții pentru gravide și tinerele mămici”

Seminar pentru femei moderne „Lecții pentru gravide și tinerele mămici”

American Medical Center și Aquarelle Women's Club invită toate femeile care planifică o sarcină, gravidele și proaspetele mămici la seminarul: „ Lecții pentru gravide și tinerele ...

American Medical Center launches the online consultation and offline appointment scheduling service!

American Medical Center launches the online consultation and offline appointment scheduling service!

American Medical Center launches the online consultation and offline appointment scheduling service directly on the website!

10 recommendations of specialists for a peaceful and healthy sleep

10 recommendations of specialists for a peaceful and healthy sleep

A healthy sleep can alleviate any physical and mental ailments, restore a fresh complexion, good mood, vitality, and body tone for a long time ahead. Check out ten recommendations from doctors to ...

What is video gastroscopy?

What is video gastroscopy?

Video gastroscopy is a procedure that uses a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope to look inside the stomach. The endoscope has a light and a camera at the end, the camera sends the image from the ...

Follow-Up Package ”Pregnancy monitoring”

Follow-Up Package ”Pregnancy monitoring”

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman's life, but it also requires careful and careful monitoring throughout pregnancy. And this should start from the first days when the expectant mother ...

Measures to prevent infection with CoVid-19, implemented in clinical AMC

Measures to prevent infection with CoVid-19, implemented in clinical AMC

La American Medical Center, preocuparea cea mai mare în această perioadă este pentru protejarea sănătății colegilor, personalului și pacienților noștri. În acest sens, vă asigurăm că am ...